Preparing for the Agricultural Show
If you are a keen baker, crafter or gardener, this is certainly a date for your diary! As part of The Great North Festival of Agriculture, the Agricultural Show has been a growing feature of the Beamish calendar over the years and is getting more popular each year. Although the 14-17th September seems like a long time away, strawberry season is coming up for you jam makers, and damson gin takes a while to mature, so get your skates on!
Last year the bakery staff enjoyed success with our elderberry cordial. Using elderberries that we foraged from behind the Tea Rooms, we certainly got some funny looks in our traditional Edwardian costumes! There are a number of categories so there is something for everyone, including classes for children, so it can be a fun day out for the whole family, with a bit of friendly competition thrown in, just for good measure…
On the food front, there are tonnes of different categories to enter; including preserves, bread and cherry scones, I will be entering something again this year with bated breath and fingers crossed, but if all else fails I might triumph in the bakery disaster category! On the final day of the show (Sunday 18th) and with the owner’s permission, the baking, preserves and beverages will be auctioned off at 4.30pm to close the event!
Entry forms are available all around the museum site for you to take home and complete, and please remember to bring entries with you on the morning of your event before 11am, so we know who is entering each category. The Victoria Sandwich section was particularly fierce last year! If you have any further questions please ask a staff member when you’re visiting, or Debra Calder can be emailed on
Entry forms can also be downloaded here Agricultural-Show-Entry-Form