Agricultural Show, Part Two
What a brilliant time we had at the Agricultural Show! Even the slightly soggy weather on Saturday couldn’t dampen our spirits, definitely one of my favourite events of the year!
I am glad to report that my lemon drizzle cake was awarded first place, my proudest baking moment ever! Some of my Food Team colleagues won in their categories as well (the best peg doll I have ever seen), so a successful four days were had by all.
The competition was especially fierce this year – I have never seen so many jars of jam in my life! Think of all combined hours of stirring bubbling pots and scraping blobs of jam across plates for that all-important setting point… a very tricky business indeed.
Even those who weren’t lucky enough to get a place had a fabulous time wandering around all of the brilliant exhibits, especially the super cute foals and other lovely animals. Every year it seems to get better!
If you didn’t get a chance to enter this year, please do take part – there is a great atmosphere! Or if you did take part this year, there are different categories added each time, so always new things to try your hand at. I don’t know about you but I am going to start practising pretty soon for next year, lemon drizzle cake anyone?